a small hobbynet managed by femsci: an unemployed silly girlfailure of varying interests spanning from software engineering and advanced networking through electronic engineering and amateur radio; abstract algebra, ending on chemistry, especially organic and analytical chem. this is a strife to establish a community network for hosting small projects instead of using cloud providers.
Peering policy
this network exercises an open peering policy. currently, there is no direct access to IXPs, but it can peer via tunnels and provide own tunnels on request.
to establish a peering session, you must satisfy the requirements:
- have an assigned ASN
- have a router supporting BGP
- all announced prefixes must be validated with RPKI
- have a reachable contact information (NOC address and/or others)
for peering requests, contact peering﹫nyanet.org.
the possible channels of communications are via email, discord, telegram, matrix, or on fedi.
if you ever wanted to support the development of this small network, you could make a donation via liberapay or supply some caffeine :3.